
LOGO Site Description:
PADI_Europe The PADI System of diver education is based on progressive training that introduces skills, safety-related information and local environmental knowledge to student divers in stages. PADI courses are student-centered and provide maximum practice and realistic application.
daneurope_01 DAN‘s mission is that of operating and maintaining an international network of alarm centers, active 24 hours a day, guaranteeing, in the event of an emergency, specialized assistance, to any diver, anywhere in the world.  DAN also provides diving medical advice, carries out research into diving safety, organizes courses and seminars with the aim of increasing the knowledge and sense of responsibility of recreational divers and provides financial and technical assistance to hyperbaric treatment centers in developing countries.
hse_weblink The Health and Safety at Work Act received Royal Assent, providing a new regulatory framework for work place health and safety in Great Britain. This has helped make Britain one of the safest places in the world to work, saving thousands of lives, preventing many more injuries at work and reducing the economic and social costs of health and safety failures. Aquav Scuba Diving School welcome all qualified and non-divers from the Liverpool city region and beyond all year round.  Everyone who enrols is able to train and learn at their own pace.  Aquav Scuba Diving School are committed to providing the highest standard of diving skills and specialist PADI courses. They offer a wide range of PADI courses including technical diver training.
aquav-logo Aquaventurers is a modern, up to date, Diving Centre, offering everything you will ever need for snorkelling  & scuba equipment under one roof.  We serve customers globally and locally in the North West and across the UK.
EFRLogo-100 Emergency First Response is the fastest-growing international CPR, AED and first aid training organization.Emergency First Response is backed by 36 years of experience in the development and delivery of instructional courses, training materials and educational curricula.Emergency First Response courses have gained widespread international acceptance.